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The Sting

5.12a, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 28 votes
FA: Doug Reed 1991
W Virginia > New River Gorge… > New River Gorge… > Kaymoor > 7. Seven Eleven Wall
Warning Access Issue: NO DRONES ON NATIONAL PARKLANDS DetailsDrop down


Climb through the bright white face past a couple of bolts and traverse left to the roof. Grovel your way past it, and work through some interesting moves to the anchors. Don't get stung!


On the left end of the Tony the Tiger wall


7 bolts to anchors.

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w1sd0m Wisdom
Denver, CO
[Hide Comment] Fun route but the gear is pretty rusted out. May 12, 2018
Calf-lete Osborne
Huntsville, AL
[Hide Comment] Fun route until the last 6 feet. Cleaning the route in a rhoto while pulling onto a very dirty water run off shelf. Jun 2, 2020
Kristi Cookie
[Hide Comment] Can we PLEASE rebolt this? The Crux hardware is IMO not safe. The hanger spins and is BENT, and the nut is rusted out beyond belief. Yes, this route has been submitted for bad bolts multiple times. Jul 6, 2021