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Balls and Bruans

5.7, Trad, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 1.7 from 7 votes
FA: Mik Nona 2002
S Dakota > Needles Of Rush… > Mt Rushmore Nat… > Chopping Block > Veiny
Warning Access Issue: Check NPS for Closures DetailsDrop down


Climb the face with solid horizontal cracks for pro. Leads to diagonal fist crack over the bulge.


On the far right of the southeast Face of Veiny. Climb to the right side of the bulging roof.


.3 -#4 micro- nuts

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John Wanner
West Allis, WI
[Hide Comment] There are many possible variations for the start of this climb, leading up to the roof. I've done at least 2, going in from the left as shown in the Rushmore Guidebook, and starting directly below the roof, going fairly straight up the face, which is more difficult to protect and has a pretty dicey move to get into position under the overhang. Roof protects nicely with #2 (below) & #3 (above) BD cams. Aug 30, 2016