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5.10b, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 3.3 from 41 votes
FA: D. Cann, A. Lechner - 2010
International > N America > Canada > British Columbia > Sea to Sky (Squ… > Area 44 > Insite wall


This route starts at the base of the large, fallen tree from which you can clip the first bolt. Getting established on the wall is tricky and the first few moves may be the crux, fortunately they are well protected. From here the route alternates between thoughtful 5.10- moves and good rests throughout. The guidebook says this route shares an anchor with "Tantalizer" to the left, but we used the anchor of "Forty-four". Shouldn't make much difference either way.


Just follow the main trail until you come across the giant, rotten, fallen tree. This route starts where the tree meets the wall


9 bolts to chain anchors. Tight down low, looser up top.

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Squamish, B.C.
[Hide Comment] Top 100, in my opinion. Great from bottom to top. Sustained. Jun 12, 2022