Type: Trad, 95 ft (29 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 4,568 total · 32/month
Shared By: blakeherrington on Feb 5, 2013
Admins: Kevin Piarulli, Micah Klesick, Nate Ball

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Fall Line is amazing and one of the region's best pure sustained thin cracks. No move is probably any harder than honest .11+, and few are much easier. With so many thin locks and sharp stone, finger skin is a limiting factor. Some locks opened up and many became less sharp over 4-5 days of climbing on this.

Comparing ratings between areas and climbing styles doesn't seem as helpful as trying to be internally consistent at a given crag. This route is a significantly harder send than Winter Sustenance, Reservation Blues, or May Fly. But it is an endurance climb without anything harder than ~V4 and is finger size dependent.
take any suggested grade with a grain of salt and just enjoy the climb if it's 5.11 or 5.13.

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The tips and fingers crack that is the next route left of JR Token - finish up the JR Extention to the anchors on the top of the mesa. You want a 70m to TR this (a 60 might work with some shenanigans and attentive belaying.)

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Lots of small cams and mid-sized wires. Nothing bigger than a yellow alien unless it's for the 5.10 climbing near the top.

