Type: | Trad, Sport, 65 ft (20 m) |
FA: | unknown |
Page Views: | 1,507 total · 10/month |
Shared By: | nate post on Nov 20, 2012 |
Admins: | Angelique Brown, Heliodor Jalba |
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This is a great warm up for your body and mind. Starts out with about 40 feet of easy climbing to a ledge, then some face moves with small edges for your feet, another easier crux section up a finger crack protected by a piton.
Four draws and a cam. For first forty feet there is only one piton so it would be wise to place a small cam. Above the ledge their is a bolt and another piton. Its a little run out, old school style. I placed no gear and overlooked one of the pitons so It was a little spooky climbing 65 feet with two clips.