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Gorilla Warfare
TR, 60 ft (18 m),
Avg: 3.4 from 16
FA: Jack Marshall, 1994
> Los Angeles Basin
> Santa Monica Mo…
> Malibu Creek SP
> Planet of the Apes Wall
Access Issue: New route or crag development is NOT permitted within Malibu Creek SP at this time. Do not improve trails or belay areas using materials brought from outside the park.
Access Issue: Seasonal nesting swallow closure NOW LIFTED - All routes open
All routes currently OPEN
On 6/2/2021 Malibu Creek State Park staff contacted representatives from the Access Fund, SCMA, and SoCal Climbing regarding climber disturbances of cliff swallow nests on Planet of the Apes. Disturbing these nests is a federal crime under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
Prior to a formal closure order being issued, the park agreed to give the climbing community the opportunity to resolve the issue internally through voluntary temporary route closures. The following routes need to be avoided:
Spiker Monkey 5.10c
Spider Monkey 5.11b
Finger Prints 5.11a
Planet of the Apes 5.11a
Birthday Boy 5.11b
The Crack 5.11b
Gorilla of My Dreams 5.12c
Gorilla Warfare 5.12b
Apes of Wrath 5.12d
We are actively monitoring the nest and will announce when they are reopened.
15 feet to the right of Planet of the Apes you will find Gorilla Warfare. This route has some simple moves down low to a big jug about 10 feet up. From here continue on the small pockets to the sequential throw to the slopey pockets and then high step (crux) and move off the small crimps to the big flake. Continue up the big flake to a final roof sequence at the top. Brilliant!
Anchors on top. Bring long runners to have powerpoint hang over the edge.
Troy, NY… Aug 31, 2022