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5.12c, Sport, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 28 votes
FA: Doug Reed 1991
W Virginia > New River Gorge… > New River Gorge… > Endless Wall > B) Party Buttress
Warning Access Issue: NO DRONES ON NATIONAL PARKLANDS DetailsDrop down


Listed in Williams guidebook as Mantek Iron-Crete.

Tenuous moves on small holds between good rests. Joins with Freaky Stylee at the last bolt.


Immediately to the right of Freaky Stylee


8 Bolts

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Shaking out after the initial crimps
[Hide Photo] Shaking out after the initial crimps
The right hand sidepull in this picture may have broken off
[Hide Photo] The right hand sidepull in this picture may have broken off

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Steve Lineberry
Charlotte, NC
[Hide Comment] I felt like this route is a little easier if you are tall. Oct 19, 2015
[Hide Comment] Precision, laser focused moves to send this one. Loved it. Sep 25, 2016
Dan Ressler
Silver Spring, MD
[Hide Comment] Comes together fairly quickly once you figure out the low crux. Technically delicious. Pump is of little factor. Apr 10, 2019
Alex Rollins
Oak Hill, WV
[Hide Comment] I broke a hold on it in late november 2019 (the side-pulling crimp after the post-crux jug). got on it again this week and the move still goes, but it's substantially more difficult. Aug 25, 2020
Steve Lineberry
Charlotte, NC
[Hide Comment] Are you referring to the right hand sidepull above the large slot to the right of the 4th bolt? I just posted a picture of myself doing the move I am thinking about from your description (yellow pants and black shirt). Is my right hand on the hold that is now broken? Thanks. Aug 25, 2020
Alex Rollins
Oak Hill, WV
[Hide Comment] Yep, That's the one. Aug 26, 2020
Chaz O
[Hide Comment] In my opinion the 2nd crux created by the broken sidepull is harder than the original 1st crux, and it comes after the original crux, so it seems to bump the grade. I think this is 12d now for me at 5'10 w/ +2 wingspan and maybe harder if you're less than 5'10". I haven't climbed routes in this style for quite some time, but seems like 3 grades harder than Freaky Stylee Oct 28, 2023