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5.10c, Sport, 35 ft (11 m),  Avg: 2.4 from 97 votes
FA: Kory Kowallis
Utah > Wasatch Range > Southern Wasatch > American Fork C… > Membrane
Warning Access Issue: Located in a National Forest Fee Area DetailsDrop down


Start on pockets then edges up to the obvious hole 20 feet up. Climb out of the hole and up 15 more feet to the anchors.


Located to the right of Kitchen Sink (Kory's Route). 20 feet left of Drunken Midget


5 bolts plus chains

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grog m
[Hide Comment] The holds immediately below the hole have deteriorated/broken. The move to get into the hole is now very difficult for 10c. Its not scary because the bolt is in your face, but difficult. Rest of the route is very fun. 5.10a, with one 5.11 move. May 15, 2019
[Hide Comment] No move felt harder than 10c imo. Fun but not much to it aside from the few moves immediately below the hole. Jun 22, 2019
Alex Zucca
Salt Lake City, UT
[Hide Comment] The move into the hole is viciously hard for 10C, this route is much harder than reverse osmosis Jul 21, 2020
Brian Koralewski
Springville, UT
[Hide Comment] used to be 10c- it's harder now- see Grog's comment Aug 23, 2024