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Stone Temple Pilot

5.11b, Sport, 85 ft (26 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 19 votes
FA: A. Miller and A. Jordan
New Mexico > Santa Fe Area > Diablo Canyon > Early Wall > Runway (Lower Tier)
Warning Access Issue: Access Issue for Areas in BLM Taos Field Office Lands DetailsDrop down


Climb through a series of interesting bulges right from the start to a vertical face with technical movement.


Start 15 feet to the right of Aviatrix.


11 bolts

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Haj heading up Stone Temple Pilot, Matt and Jameson on belay.
[Hide Photo] Haj heading up Stone Temple Pilot, Matt and Jameson on belay.

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Aaron Miller
Santa Fe, NM
[Hide Comment] The quality of this route is very good but will improve greatly with a little traffic. May 20, 2012
J. Albers
[Hide Comment] Wow Robert, sounds like your okay though, yes?

What exactly do you mean by 'the hanger blew'? Oct 16, 2013
[Hide Comment] I wish Robert (whoever he is) hadn't removed his comment. Sounds like something of interest to someone thinking about climbing this route. Saw some folks on it (at least pretty sure it was this route) this past weekend and they didn't seem to have any concerns about the protection, for what it's worth. Oct 26, 2015