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The Shitter

5.12, Sport, 20 ft (6 m),  Avg: 2 from 3 votes
FA: unknown
Colorado > Colorado Springs > N Cheyenne Canyon > Pinnacle
Warning Access Issue: Road closure and reopened after flood damage! DetailsDrop down


This is the very short sport climb just to the right of Balance. Strenuous moves on small holds take you up and right through an overhang. I am unsure of the history.


This is just right of Balance on the Pinnacle north face.


3 bolts to a red cold-shut anchor.

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Quinn about to start the committing (but short) slab section.
[Hide Photo] Quinn about to start the committing (but short) slab section.

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Will Tolleson
Golden, CO
[Hide Comment] Holy cow, getting onto the slab by going right at the third bolt is tough stuff. Also, the third bolt is extremely rusted for pulling the crux. Jul 1, 2023