Shadow of Doubt
Trad, Sport, 240 ft (73 m), 3 pitches, Grade II,
Avg: 3 from 2
FA: FA: J. Garrett, 3-19-1995 FFA: K. Harvey, 4-1997
> W Desert
> Ibex
> Shadow Buttress
A steep and varied line that tackles face, crack, and slab climbing. A sustained route, Shadow of Doubt makes for a nice, solid outing. Wild, exposed, and out there!
P1: Climb a short, gear protected crack on the left side of the face to a ledge. Traverse right to a pin and fixed nut anchor. (5.9) 40 feet. An alternate start tackles the direct and surprisingly difficult crack directly off the base ledge. (5.10+ PG-13) 40 feet.
P2: A mixed pitch that ascends a technical and thin face past a handful of bolts to a stunning and widening crack. Aim right when the crack ends, build a belay on a suitable ledge. A powerful and sustained pitch. 5.11d (100 feet)
P3: A mixed pitch that climbs a blunt arete to a small rest, then breaks up and left to a bolt at an exposed, steep, corner. Traverse left around the corner and follow bolts on a thin, crimpy slab. Finish at a two bolt, chain anchor. Committing and intense. 5.10c (70 feet)
Descent: Make a two rope rappel directly down the face.
On the south, right-side face of the Shadow Buttress. Park for the bouldering area, hike up and left following a faint trail to the base. See photo for perspective.
Runners, draws, and cams up to 5 inches. A 60 meter rope.