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5.6, Sport, 35 ft (11 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 29 votes
FA: unknown
Montana > Southwest Region > Revenue Flats > Wafers


A fun short climb up a chert littered slab. Makes for a good first lead due to the liberal bolting.


As you walk into the alcove this is the line that goes up the leftmost prow (If facing the small parking alcove parking lot). If coming from the upper parking lot it is the first route you will encounter. Starts above a small stump.


Four bolts to chains.

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The late Tyler Stetson on the start of Peopleburg.
[Hide Photo] The late Tyler Stetson on the start of Peopleburg.

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Bryan Gartland
Helena, MT
[Hide Comment] Revenue knobs are quartz, not chert.

Both are silica-rich but of entirely different geologic origins. Aug 10, 2016