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Crack'n the Code

5.7+, Trad, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 1.8 from 45 votes
FA: S. Trent, D. Kloke (2002)
Washington > Northwest Region > San Juan, Fidal… > Mt Erie > (g) Main Wall > (b) Main Wall West


Thin seam with small gear. At the ledge you have the option to go straight up the slab where there are 3 bolts, or step right then climb over the bulge with a loose block.

Same chain anchor shared with P1 of Zig Zag, Another Option & LGK.


Left of LGK, which is left of Zig Zag.


Gear to 1", 3 bolts, chain anchor.

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Crack'n the Code
[Hide Photo] Crack'n the Code
Base of the climb.
[Hide Photo] Base of the climb.
The start to crackin the code
[Hide Photo] The start to crackin the code
Crack'n the Code. The last part of the pitch has 3 bolts followed by an easy slabby section that finished up at the same bolted anchor as that of Zig Zag.
[Hide Photo] Crack'n the Code. The last part of the pitch has 3 bolts followed by an easy slabby section that finished up at the same bolted anchor as that of Zig Zag.
Crack'n the Code. The last part of the pitch has 3 bolts followed by an easy slabby section that finished up at the same bolted anchor as that of Zig Zag.
[Hide Photo] Crack'n the Code. The last part of the pitch has 3 bolts followed by an easy slabby section that finished up at the same bolted anchor as that of Zig Zag.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

Kemper Brightman
The Old Pueblo, AZ
[Hide Comment] A fun crack system leads to a rather contrived line of bolts that seems to take away from the route as a whole. Jul 18, 2016
Porter McMichael
Issaquah, WA
[Hide Comment] Why are the bolts there? Silly... Oct 10, 2018
Curt Veldhuisen
Bellingham, WA
[Hide Comment] The bolts add a nice section of face climbing. Duh.

The crack always seems a bit tricky for a 7, but takes bomber gear. May 1, 2020
Adam Starecheski
Huntington, VT
[Hide Comment] Bolted section felt closer to 5.9 to me. Well protected. The crack is awesome! Worth it to do at the end of the day after multipitching. May 19, 2023