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Dark Side Of The Moon

5.10b, Trad, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.7 from 26 votes
FA: unknown
California > Lake Tahoe > I-80 Corridor > Donner Summit > Space Wall


Stellar right-facing corner, stemming and jamming. Of course, no one brings gear to a sport crag, but this one is worth it.


Dihedral to the left of Moon Shadow.


Gear to 3", chain anchors.

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Colonel Mustard
Sacramento, CA
[Hide Comment] Pretty fun. It could clean up a little more, but I'm having a hard time thinking of another Donner 5.10- that is quite like it. It's basically an open book with awesome stemming on Tuolumne-like, knob studded rock, to an invigorating, albeit, slightly awkward, exit to the anchors.

It's pretty heavy on fingers to 1", I'd say. I don't remember placing anything larger. Aug 4, 2013
Ryan Pfleger
Boise, ID
[Hide Comment] Lots of stemming, not much jamming, but maybe that's just my shitty technique. You could probably place a #2 or #3 in the horizontal right off the deck, but you might be better off doubling up on small gear in the .3 to .75 C4 range. The final moves are a bit funky. Aug 28, 2018