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Jamaican Lager

V2+, Boulder, 9 ft (3 m),  Avg: 2.1 from 8 votes
FA: unknown
Vermont > 2. Central Vermont > DEKD Killington > Red Eft Boulder
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures for access issues: please review DetailsDrop down


Bear hug the overhanging prow. Right hand up to a ledge to the right of the prow, Keep left hand on left side of prow to top.


The overhang prow with the red stripe on it. Shares holds with Path of the Mossy Skink.



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Jason Hayden
North Clarendon, VT
[Hide Comment] Great job Roger...glad you got out...we were stuck inside at a comp in mass Nov 19, 2011
Center Harbor, NH
[Hide Comment] Not a bad climb. It is always fun to have to squeeze up something in New England instead of crimping! Jul 22, 2015