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October First

5.7, Trad, TR, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 0.5 from 4 votes
FA: Old School
Wisconsin > Baraboo Range > Devil's Lake > E Bluff 04 - E… > 15: Pseudo Hawk's Nest


Starts with a few laybacking moves then degenerates quickly. Looks better from farther away.


Inside 90 degree corner left of Bloody Mary



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The top of October First is somewhat separate from the other routes on the west end of Pseudo Hawk's Nest
[Hide Photo] The top of October First is somewhat separate from the other routes on the west end of Pseudo Hawk's Nest
The left-most climbs at Pseudo Hawk's. October First is hidden behind rocks.
[Hide Photo] The left-most climbs at Pseudo Hawk's. October First is hidden behind rocks.
October First
[Hide Photo] October First

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Doug Hemken
Delta, CO
[Hide Comment] There are not a lot of routes that I can't find some redeeming value in - I'm usually "glass half full", I think - but this would be one. Oct 3, 2011