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Top Feeder

5.12c, Sport, 140 ft (42 m),  Avg: 3 from 18 votes
FA: Chris Turiano?
Colorado > Rifle > Rifle Mtn Park > Project Wall


Start on Bottom Feeder, then pass two sets of chains on your way to the top (hence the name). The crux is the last 3 bolts with big moves on drilled jugs. This has great position. You can lower with a 60m from the top to the 2nd set of chains, then pull your rope an lower again.


This is on the right side of Project Wall, start as per Bottom Feeder.


Fixed draws to the first anchor, then you are on your own.

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[Hide Comment] Really... drilled jugs... are we back in the '90s? Sep 30, 2011
Phil Lauffen
Innsbruck, AT
[Hide Comment] Drilled holds suck. The movement was good though. And the mind control required to keep it together 35m up made it worth it.

Also, this is Rifle. What is the frequency of comfortized holds? Probably greater than 90% of the routes are at least slightly modified. Oct 8, 2012