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5.8 V1, Sport, TR, Boulder, 35 ft (11 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 28 votes
FA: unknown
Oklahoma > Tulsa Area > Avery Drive > Lost City Area > Lost City
Warning Access Issue: Private Property! DetailsDrop down


Nice climb that starts under a roof and leads to a hand crack. Half way up the crack ends and your left with a few pockets and then jugs at the top. Crux is 3/4 of the way up at the pockets. Although some would say the start is the hardest part. Height dependent I guess.


Lost city, Johns wall area. First climb on the south facing wall. Look for roof about head high on left side of wall.


2 bolts and 2 bolt top anchor.

Top anchor replaced in Dec 2018 and 2 lead bolts replaced in Mar 2019 (all with SS, thanks to ASCA ( and Access Fund support).

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MK reaching for the juggy finish
[Hide Photo] MK reaching for the juggy finish
[Hide Photo] Jackarete
"i think this is how you have to finish the route" - Isaiah
[Hide Photo] "i think this is how you have to finish the route" - Isaiah
[Hide Photo] tallboi

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  5.9 PG13
[Hide Comment] First bolt is a bit high, but fun and easy little crack climb to get up to it. Crux for me was right under the second bolt, but may have been easier if i was a little taller. May 7, 2016