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Leave It To Beaver

5.10, TR, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 3 votes
FA: unknown
Texas > Paradise on the… > Corner Walls


From the left, climb through the cave to the overhang. Typical of POB overhang is on pockets and edges.


4 lead bolts, 2 bolt anchor

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[Hide Comment] Start several feet right of Stand And Deliver. Recently bolted for the lead with the first redpoint ascent going to Jeff Thornton. 4 bolts angling slightly right from the start to belay chains. Excellent, safe, recommended face climbing at a solid 5.10 grade on high quality stone, with a great position. Crux is at bolt 2, getting both feet established past the small roof, followed by easier 5.10 and 5.9 moves on positive edges to a bonus jug below the finish. Jan 31, 2013