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Un Earthly

5.10c/d, Sport, 65 ft (20 m),  Avg: 2.4 from 14 votes
FA: Justin Christiansen, equipped James Garret
Utah > Wasatch Range > Southern Wasatch > Hobble Creek Ca… > Mars Bars


Very small holds with small razor ledges route is new and is in need of some climbing to reveal the holds Be ware this climb is for the bigg Dawgs.


Farthest route to the climbers left. There are Mussy hooks at the top.


8 bold to 2 fixed latching hooks

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Un Earthly
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Dan Allen
Springville, UT
[Hide Comment] We will meet again, Un Earthly. Jun 17, 2020
Jeff Hardy
Springville, UT
[Hide Comment] Maybe the route has cleaned up a bit since it was originally put up, but it's pretty soft for the grade (climbing straight up the bolt line). 5.10b is probably about right, maaaybe 5.10c. In any case, it's a really nice slab climb--very enjoyable but overbolted. Aug 21, 2020
Dan Allen
Springville, UT
[Hide Comment] Watch the loose rock off to the left of the route about 1/3 of the way up. Looks like a great undercling but that chunk is unstable. Jun 9, 2021