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V3, Boulder, 13 ft (4 m),  Avg: 2 from 2 votes
FA: unknown
Colorado > Grand Junction… > Unaweep Canyon > Nine Mile Hill > Nine Mile Bould… > E Creek Day Use… > Bondi Boulder


Stand start from a left, three finger pocket and a right, sloping shelf, move up to a large left jug and work the lip right to a nice pocket which accesses the diagonal shelf at the top, and walk off the back side.


This is on the southeast face of Bondi Boulder.


A few pads and a spot, there are rocks and cacti in the area but overall good landings.

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Meddlesome problem on the Bondi Boulder.
[Hide Photo] Meddlesome problem on the Bondi Boulder.
Starting out the Meddlesome problem on the Bondi Boulder.
[Hide Photo] Starting out the Meddlesome problem on the Bondi Boulder.