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Saddle back Arete

V1-2, Boulder, 11 ft (3 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 6 votes
FA: Sam Hayden
Vermont > 2. Central Vermont > DEKD Killington > Rocking Horse Boulder
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures for access issues: please review DetailsDrop down


Sit start on a quartz rail on the arete and slap hands up the arete using any undercling or little feet you can find until you come to a sloper rail at the top, that heel hook the side and go up to it then pop up to a good top out jug.


On the Rocking Horse Boulder on the arete of the overhang- (Next to Bite The Bits).


A pad.

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Saddle back Arete V1
[Hide Photo] Saddle back Arete V1