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Leafpeepers Hate Spring

V3, Boulder, 13 ft (4 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 4 votes
FA: Sam Hayden
Vermont > 2. Central Vermont > DEKD Killington > Spring Sliding Boulder
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures for access issues: please review DetailsDrop down


Start with your left hand on a side-pull rail and your right hand on the arete, heel hook your right foot high around the arete and put your left foot on a small slippery knob. Match on a side-pull rail, bump left to a side-pull jug, and move your right hand up to a jug to mantel around the left side of the arete and top out.


Stand starts on the far left overhung side of the Spring Sliding boulder (around the corner from Wellspring).


Pad and spotter

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Leafpeepers Hate Spring, V3
[Hide Photo] Leafpeepers Hate Spring, V3
Great route, start is the crux
[Hide Photo] Great route, start is the crux

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rogerk klinger
Burlington, VT
[Hide Comment] Lot's of ways to do this one. The most natural line seems to be using both aretes, avoiding the face holds, and topping out right. Fun problem. Sep 24, 2013