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5.10b, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 19 votes
FA: Alan Hirahara
California > Eastern Sierra > Mammoth Lakes Area > Al's Garage


Technical face on edges and pockets to a seam.


Between Jhana and Wake-n-Bake.


5 bolts to chains

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Scott Rogers
Moab, UT
[Hide Comment] This is super fun and challenging right from the start, but don't expect to build an anchor off any good "finish hold", there aren't any! May 31, 2016
[Hide Comment] Good route, and I'll second what Scott says, which is kind of true for these three Buddhist-themed routes: They don't end on stances, although this was by far the toughest to clip at the end. Hold on tight and reach....

BAd Jul 28, 2016