Type: Trad, 370 ft (112 m), 3 pitches, Grade II
FA: Paul Ross Andy Ross (Var Leads) May 25th 2011
Page Views: 1,002 total · 6/month
Shared By: Paul Ross on Jun 18, 2011
Admins: Perin Blanchard, GRK, David Crane

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Description Suggest change

The first route to be climbed in Two Fingers Canyon at the end of The Great White Wall. A nice line but does have some suspect rock. Walk through the canyon and the Great White Ridge is obvious up on its right side (north). See topo photo.
P1) Scramble up boulders to the crack at the start of the ridge. Climb the crack that trends left with some cams and one bolt to double anchors on the edge of the ridge.110'5.7
P2)Continue up the ridge by easy climbing to a ledge (cams). Step left into a groove then right out of the groove to another ledge (bolt). Move right up the face past another bolt to anchors. 180'5.8
P3)Climb 20' up to the bulge (bolt),pull the bulge then after a small cam continue past double anchor bolts (Rap anchors for Day of Litheon) to double anchors about 30' up to the right. 120'5.9.Register in small cairn left of belay.

Rap the route.

Location Suggest change

Two Fingers Canyon. located at the end of the south end of The Great White Wall

Protection Suggest change

Cams from 1/4" to 3" set of stoppers. Two 60m ropes.

Description Suggest change

The first route to be climbed in Two Fingers Canyon at the end of The Great White Wall.A nice line but does have some suspect rock.Walk through the canyon and the Gret White Ridge is obvious up on its right side (north). See topo photo. P1) Scramble up boulders to the crack at the start of the ridge.Climb the crack that trends left with some cams and one bolt to double anchors on the edge of the ridge.110'5.7 P2)Continue up the ridge by easy climbing to a ledge (cams).Step leftinto a groove,then right out of the groove to another ledge (bolt).Move right up the face passed another bolt to anchors. 180'5.8 P3)Climb 20' up to the buldge (bolt),pull the buldge then after a small cam continue passed double anchor bolts (Rap anchors for Day of Litheon) to double anchors about 30' up to the right. 120'5.9.Register in small cairn left of belay.Descent. Rap the route.

Location Suggest change

Two Fingers Canyon. located at the end of the south end of The Great White Wall

Protection Suggest change

Cams from 1/4" to 3" set of stoppers. Two 60m ropes.
