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Golden Boy

5.11+, Sport, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 3.6 from 11 votes
FA: Burdo
Washington > Okanogan > Mazama > Prospector Crags > 3. Prospect Point
Warning Access Issue: Camping for Climbers in Mazama DetailsDrop down


This is as good as Prospector Wall gets. Stellar the whole way. Fun, beta-intensive climbing: heel/toe hooks, knee/arm bars...basically every trick in the book will help you on this one.

There are enough no-hands rests that I thought the guidebook grade was a little soft...but who cares its a great climb and a must-do for the visiting sport wanker.


Goes straight up from the beginning of the fixed line, on the far right side of Prospector Wall.


14 bolts.

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Getting ready to move into the final crux sequence before the chains
[Hide Photo] Getting ready to move into the final crux sequence before the chains
Resting at the roof before making the first crux move.
[Hide Photo] Resting at the roof before making the first crux move.

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[Hide Comment] True, the rests could make it 11c, I still think 11d is quite spot on with the crux being at the top, assuming without bailing left. Sick route!! Jul 12, 2017
Deanna Ladybug
Seattle, WA
[Hide Comment] Awesome line, with so many fun moves and sequences. King line of the crag for sure. I personally felt like it was a 12a. And then from talking to Burdo, he called this a benchmark 12a, so that’s what was put in the new Mazama guidebook. Sep 15, 2024