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Let's Meetup

5.7, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2 from 132 votes
FA: D. Young, 2010
Nevada > Southern Nevada > Red Rocks > (04) Second Pul… > Meetup Wall
Warning Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet. DetailsDrop down


Shares the first bolt and anchor chains with Member Profile. Start directly under the big pine tree. Bouldery start and you may want to stick clip the 1st bolt.


5 bolts

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S Matz on Member Profile or Let's Meet Up (both are very close at the start)
[Hide Photo] S Matz on Member Profile or Let's Meet Up (both are very close at the start)

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Las Vegas, nv
[Hide Comment] Stick clip or be solid getting to the first bolt. A fall probably wouldn't break anything but you would lose a lot of skin. Jun 4, 2011
dirty son of a cinch
las vegas, nv
RedRock Rat
  5.6 PG13
[Hide Comment] Fun start but worth having a spot. Nov 20, 2013
JJ Parker
Lino Lakes, MN
5.6 PG13
[Hide Comment] This is a super fun, boulder-style start but be careful. Not a good route for a new leader unless you clip the first bolt. The rest of the climb is chill. Mar 30, 2019
Kreg Martinez
El Paso, TX
[Hide Comment] Boulder start but a smooth lead otherwise. Nov 14, 2022
[Hide Comment] Did this climb today. The opening move has lots of chalk around it from people trying to figure it out. If you climb straight up off the ground toward the first bolt it's harder than 5.7, but it's fun if you can figure it out . For an easier start begin on the left, climb up a bit, then move right. The rest of the climb is enjoyable 5.7 . Apr 5, 2023
[Hide Comment] Stick clip comments are spot on, although you can definitely reach the first bolt with a good spotter. And the moves off the deck are doable and fun once you’re safely clipped in or on top rope. Excellent beginner lead climb after the crux off the deck. The holds are plentiful along the way but you may need to search a moment in a few spots. Fun climb. Oct 25, 2023
Paul Stoliker
Canmore, AB
[Hide Comment] We did this route on October 27, 2024. The first moves are solid 5.9. Nov 5, 2024