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Mummy Dick

5.10b, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 21 votes
FA: C. Marcott, S. Cundy
Montana > Northwest Region > Rattler Gulch > Style Wall


This route ascends the thin face at the base of the fin. Very thoughtful and sustained movement throughout the climb, with a little spice at the crux. After clipping the last bolt, climb a few ledges to the anchors.


This will be the first route you come to from the approach trail. Look for the bolts going up the small face to a ledge with anchors. Belay from the base of the fin.


Quickdraws, chain anchors.

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Mummy Dick 10a
[Hide Photo] Mummy Dick 10a

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Missoula, MT
[Hide Comment] If this route were at Ten Sleep, Aaron Huey would definitely have given it the brain icon. Safely bolted, old school climbing up a technical slab. Aug 27, 2011
Madison Miller
Missoula MT
[Hide Comment] The first bolt is up pretty high, easy climbing up to the first bolt via a horizontal crack but after rain the crack seems to stay wet longer than the rest of the rock which can be a little spooky. I put a .75 c4 in about 2/3 of the way to the first bolt... not sure that would have done anything. If it's been wet or the high first bolt spooks you too, a stick clip would be a good idea. Jul 1, 2020
Alec Handhold
Your mom
[Hide Comment] Neat route, easy approach; the first on the Style Wall and therefore a good place to warm up at before trying the bruisers further up the slope.
Definitely a 5.10 climb. Some tricky parts, but also some good rests to catch your breath. Sep 22, 2020
Zebulon Ruby
[Hide Comment] Classic retro-slab style route. Great for the grade! Mar 23, 2021
Andrew McGregor
[Hide Comment] Great route, fun crux. Can be a bit spicy.

June 7, 2024. Third bolt is a little loose. Jun 12, 2024