Type: | Sport, 50 ft (15 m) |
FA: | Al Hospers, Judy and Joe Perez |
Page Views: | 2,066 total · 13/month |
Shared By: | Peter Jackson on May 14, 2011 |
Admins: | Jay Knower, M Sprague, Jeffrey LeCours, Jonathan S, Robert Hall |
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200 yards past Cake Walk, at a large, dirty ledge with two trees on it. To get there, walk down from Cake Walk, pass the right-end climbs (Pudding Pie, Yellow Jacket) and walk along the long, flat, elevated ledge uphill from Tree Keys.
At the end of this elevated ledge, the trail scrambles up onto a dirty tree ledge where High Steppin and Old Crow start.
At the end of this elevated ledge, the trail scrambles up onto a dirty tree ledge where High Steppin and Old Crow start.