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Walk the Line

5.9, Trad, 100 ft (30 m),  Avg: 3 from 29 votes
FA: Jared Hancock, J.J., 2006
Kentucky > Red River Gorge > Muir Valley > Stadium
Warning Access Issue: Land Owned by Muir Valley Nature Preserve DetailsDrop down


A fun mixed line that climbs the easiest path through the large roof. Some big airy moves between large juggy horizontals make this an exciting lead for the grade.

Find the easiest jugs hands low to reach and start yarding through big horizontals. Clip the first bolt and continue up underneath the roof. Clip the next bolt and "walk the line" under the roof to a slightly tricky step around. Be sure to extend both bolts to prevent drag up high. Get established into the crack and start placing gear. Follow the crack with some great stemming and jams to a very easy slab with a single bolt. Clip the bolt or place gear in the horizontals on the slab or skip the pro all together. Paddle your way up the short distance to the anchors.


From the approach trail make a left when you meet the wall. About 30' to the left there are two bolts that are easy to see. The route also has a tag. It is just to the right of Psycho Billy.


Single rack, nuts, tricams, long runners. 3 bolts in total on the climb. A two bolt anchor for the rappel. Rappel with a 60m rope into the trees below.

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The sporty overhung start of Walk the Line. Pumpy but juggy and fun. Can be well protected with a stickclip.
[Hide Photo] The sporty overhung start of Walk the Line. Pumpy but juggy and fun. Can be well protected with a stickclip.
Pulling through the juggy horizontals at the start near the first bolt.
[Hide Photo] Pulling through the juggy horizontals at the start near the first bolt.

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[Hide Comment] Yet another neglected climb. If this where at Bruise Brothers it would have a day long line. 5.9 bolts though a huge roof than 5.7 pillows to the end. Walk out here and get on it. Sep 7, 2016
Jared Hancock
Travelers Rest, SC
[Hide Comment] Another nice mixed route. Jul 17, 2018