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Snake Eye

5.8, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 37 votes
FA: Randall Green, Dave Jones 1990
Montana > Northwest Region > Rattler Gulch > Sidewinder Buttress


This is a great route at the grade, fun moves on really clean rock. A great lead for beginners or a nice warm up for the day. This is the right hand line of the 2 in the bowl.


On the uphill end of the buttress, this climb is located on a lower angle bowl shaped wall. Do some 4th class moves to get to the base, marked by a large, dead juniper tree. This is the right line of the two sport routes.


quickdraws, chain anchors

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Climbing partner at top of Snake Eye.  DPYHII is slightly to the left but ends up next to the top of Snake Eye
[Hide Photo] Climbing partner at top of Snake Eye. DPYHII is slightly to the left but ends up next to the top of Snake Eye

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Bryan Gartland
Helena, MT
[Hide Comment] This line has its own set of anchors, consisting of new hangers and single quicklinks, allowing both Snake Eye and Don't Put Your Hand in it to be independently climbed/top-roped. The single links on the anchor hangers will twist the crap out of your rope when you go to lower or rap off.

Good, steep 5.8 pulling that is more safely bolted than its neighbor to the left. Jun 27, 2016
Ishani Sawant
[Hide Comment] Did not feel 5.8. Felt 5.9+ maybe because i am not tall! Aug 15, 2018
Alec Handhold
Your mom
[Hide Comment] Another really fun 5.8. I've seen people belaying from lower down the slope; don't do this, it's much easier and safer to belay right from the base of the climb. There's even a nice dead tree to lean on.
Great movement.; a bit easier than "Don't Put Your Hand In It" to the left. Sep 22, 2020
Tom Ponte
Las Vegas, NV
[Hide Comment] This route has to have some of the most secure crimps ever designed by nature with lips and individual finger pockets just inside the crimp features. Aug 22, 2024