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The Gatekeeper

5.10d, Sport,  Avg: 2.3 from 10 votes
FA: unknown
International > Asia > Thailand > Northwest - Aro… > Crazy Horse > Gatekeeper Buttress


Follow the left leaning crack and the far left of the crag. A touch exposed as the lines goes up and over the mouth of a cave with the deck a good 70 meters below


The far left of the crag


9 bolt 1 thread

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Sarah on Gatekeeper
[Hide Photo] Sarah on Gatekeeper
Kat climbing at Gatekeeper Buttress!
[Hide Photo] Kat climbing at Gatekeeper Buttress!

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Tony Monbetsu
Minneapolis, MN
[Hide Comment] The cave opening is currently covered with bamboo straw, can be a pain when cleaning. Jan 2, 2016