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Call of the Wild

5.11b PG13, Trad, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 8 votes
FA: Rodney Lanier
N Carolina > 1. Southern Mou… > Rumbling Bald > Cereal Buttress
Warning Access Issue: Post Hurricane Helene Accessibility of Crags DetailsDrop down


Thin, balancy moves, a saw tooth corner hand line, and a barn door finish- labeled in the Harrison Shull/Lambert guide as name unknown 5.11b


Left side of Cereal buttress. Once you hit the wall on the main cereal buttress trail, take a left and head up hill over and around some boulders. Locate obvious broken face with 6 cracks/ chimneys. This route starts 20 feet uphill and left of the unknown 5.8 R/X


small-2" cams, 2 bolts, bolts on top with rap rings. Shares anchors with Unknown 5.8 R/X off-width to the right and a 5.4 unknown route to the left

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Ryan Holmes on Name Unknown 5.11b
[Hide Photo] Ryan Holmes on Name Unknown 5.11b

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[Hide Comment] Mike, I believe Tim Snyder and maybe Rodney Lanier did this one.

Edit: I stand corrected. Thanks for the clarification Tim. Feb 27, 2013
Mike R
[Hide Comment] I had thought it was a Lanier route; who was the other guy? Mar 4, 2013
Jonathan Dull
Blowing Rock, NC
[Hide Comment] I'm surprised this climb hasn't received better ratings, I thought it was superb (unless I'm confusing this with something else.) Two bolts down low and two bolts up high w/good gear in between. There's also room for several variations in the mid-section of the climb. I thought moving into the finger crack was also really fun. Clipping that first bolt was kind of precarious for a shortly like me. Labeled as Unknown 5.11b in NC Select Climbs. May 9, 2014
[Hide Comment] It appears that the rock fall in 2016(?) Changed this route. It might be unstable. Further rockfall in this area is expected Dec 29, 2018