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5.10+, Trad, 250 ft (76 m), 3 pitches,  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: Eddie Medina and Sean Cobourn
N Carolina > 1. Southern Mou… > Rumbling Bald > Cereal Wall
Warning Access Issue: Post Hurricane Helene Accessibility of Crags DetailsDrop down


In Christian theology, Kenosis is the concept of the 'self-emptying' of one's own will and becoming entirely receptive to God and his perfect will.

P1- Climb the face past one bolt to a gear belay at base of headwall, or move belay right to small tree growing out of base of headwall. 5.7
P2- climb the steeper face behind the tree to a grassy ledge and belay bolts. This is just below Conscientious Objector. Rappel from here, climb CO, or:
P3- scramble up and left along the base of the cliff above to the rim. Look for anchors on Angell Falls to rappel.


At right end of Cereal Wall, right of Civil Disobedience at a set of right facing flake/corner/small roof thingys


Small cams

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Bozos are below P2 of Civil Disobedience.  Small tree behind them marks Kenosis P2.
[Hide Photo] Bozos are below P2 of Civil Disobedience. Small tree behind them marks Kenosis P2.
climber is on Civil Disobedience.  Kenosis is to right, near wet streak.
[Hide Photo] climber is on Civil Disobedience. Kenosis is to right, near wet streak.

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Edward Medina
Ridgway, CO
[Hide Comment] The concept of Kenosis predates christian theology. It is, in essence, the abandonment of self. Leaving onseself open to experience the divine, whatever form that may take. So all you heathens feel free to hop on this one. May 1, 2013