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Plumb Bob

5.9, Sport, TR,  Avg: 2.1 from 31 votes
FA: Bob Cartwright & Charles Pechousek
International > N America > Canada > Quebec > 16. Montérégie > Mont Rigaud > 5. Bob's Wall
Warning Access Issue: You must pay to park and/or cross the ski hill. DetailsDrop down


Start left of Shish Kebob, between face and tree. Make a hardish face move to the first bolt and continue along the green face to the second bolt. Finish a nice clean face with 2 more bolts. A spicy route.


4 bolts + anchor

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Base,Kinda follow tree up corner.  1 st bolt visible
[Hide Photo] Base,Kinda follow tree up corner. 1 st bolt visible
Route almost exactly behind left hand tree. Sponge Bob (5.7) is the dark streak inside the small dihedral just left of tree., Anchors at top.
[Hide Photo] Route almost exactly behind left hand tree. Sponge Bob (5.7) is the dark streak inside the small dihedral just left of tree., Anchors at top.
Route starts on transition from different coloured rocks in center left.Shiska Bob starts center and goes right.
[Hide Photo] Route starts on transition from different coloured rocks in center left.Shiska Bob starts center and goes right.
New bolted route is between the 2 trees on left.Shiska Bob is immediate right of birch tree.
[Hide Photo] New bolted route is between the 2 trees on left.Shiska Bob is immediate right of birch tree.

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[Hide Comment] Good line if you stay left at the start ! Sep 21, 2013