Type: Trad, Sport, 120 ft (36 m)
FA: Tom Helvie, Tim Steele
Page Views: 1,323 total · 8/month
Shared By: Tom Helvie on Aug 30, 2010
Admins: Aron Quiter, Euan Cameron, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Start by clipping 2 bolts up to a small ledge. Place some pro (small nut & small cams) and climb opposing seams and cracks up to a 3rd bolt. More thin seams/cracks lead up to a 1 foot section of hand crack (#2 camalot) and a bomber #1 camalot in a section of crack to the left. Cruise up to another bolt and more thin cracks (small cams). At the 5th bolt, stop worrying about gear and clip bolts past the crux and a right leaning groove up to anchors under the bushes.

Location Suggest change

This route climbs the cracked green wall at the top of the talus hill. Scramble up ledges to the start.

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9 bolts, small nuts, small cams (aliens, tcus, etc) and cams to #2 camalot. Anchor is currently a quicklink anchor due to the current Eastside Mussy shortage.

