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Mei Day

5.7, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 1.7 from 69 votes
FA: Jim & Mei Ratz
Wyoming > Lander Area > Sinks Canyon > Scud Wall


Towards right side of crag. Start by climbing the obvious 10ft boulder to reach the first bolt at ~15 ft. Easily identified as the route follows the slabby dihedral. Merges at the top and shares chains with the 5.7 to the right of it.

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Way up on Mei Day
[Hide Photo] Way up on Mei Day
Starting up Mei Day
[Hide Photo] Starting up Mei Day

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Leslie H
[Hide Comment] Stout 5.6 Aug 6, 2015
Paul K
Lander, WY
[Hide Comment] Not an overly difficult climb but I think if you're looking for a place to get your very first outdoor lead climb done, you might want to look one climb right (Girls' Day Out) instead. Sep 16, 2020
Emerson Takahashi
Casper, WY
[Hide Comment] Climbed with nuts and cams. An entertaining faff Nov 30, 2024