Type: Boulder, 30 ft (9 m)
FA: I recently found out that some dude named Pat, hailing from British Columbia, did it before Dan.
Page Views: 3,739 total · 21/month
Shared By: Sean Denny on Aug 23, 2010
Admins: andy patterson, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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The crucial hold for the crux has broken in the past few months. It is now a much worse and more painful crimp, but I've heard that the route still goes.
Essentially just an extension of Akiba's Prison, which is already a power endurance problem, Zombie adds a few moves that are harder than anything on Akiba's and it certainly requires another level of fitness.
The crux revolves around negotiating the very overhanging, almost blank face to the left of the Dancing Outlaw.

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Start sitting on the far left of the boulder, traverse right through I'm Not Broke, but I'm Badly Bent, and into Akiba's Prison.

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A pad or two will do you just fine.

