Type: Sport, 80 ft (24 m)
FA: Terry Parrish, 1993/94
Page Views: 1,856 total · 11/month
Shared By: Christopher Barlow on Aug 23, 2010
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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Track Team climbs the prominent, nice-looking arete in the middle of the Free Tibet sector. With no single move being particularly difficult, the overall sustained, technical nature of the route makes for a pumpy, perplexing, and enjoyable rock climb.

Begin with a sustained, technical sequence on the arete for several bolts until you move right on good holds and bad feet to a decent shake on the right wall. Easier climbing heads left around the arete, then back right (way right, in fact) to climb directly up the face and small roof to the chains.

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It is in the Headbanger's Wall, on the left of the two major aretes. Begin on a small block to start by squeezing the arete and sidepulls to the left. There is a scruffy-looking project to the left that climbs through black, usually wet rock up to a corner and roofs.

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11 bolts to chains - two bolts are on the left side of the arete and are hard to see from the ground. Stick clip.


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