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Venezuelan Mafia
Sport, 45 ft (14 m),
Avg: 3 from 84
FA: Luis Cisneros,Christian Espanol,'01
> Southern Arizona
> Mt Lemmon (Sant…
> Mt Lemmon (Cata…
> 7 - Upper Highway
> Raycreation Area
> Lower Wall
Arguably the best route at Raycreation. Some days it feels harder than the grade, other days if feels soft for the grade. whatever, it is great. Easy face leads to steep face then thin holds which lead to big holds on very steep rock. Getting to the fifth bolt only looks a little spicy. The final steep moves are really cool. Originally a very dicey lead but Luis allowed me to add a couple of bolts before the crux, as decking out was a real possibility.
Where the trail meets the wall a 30ft. tall amphitheater with a second overlap above it. The route climbs up the right edge.
Portland, OR
n az
Tucson, AZ
Tucson, AZ
Tucson, AZ
There seems to be a bunch of different potential betas for the main crux as well as for the moves over the roof. Depending on what you do (and it's not entirely clear at first what to do) the climb could feel laughably hard for .11+ or it could feel fair. Apr 27, 2020
Tucson, AZ
I vote to adopt Andy’s grade of 11e, feels about right.
As far as quality, I think it's a really great climb that happens to be a giant pain to work and clean. The crux is hard, committing and impossible to work on TR, which makes it frustrating. I think it’ll be much more fun with a permadraw on the 3rd bolt to make cleaning less annoying. I’ll try to get that done some time this summer (unless someone beats me to it). May 14, 2023