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Blood Sausage
Sport, 45 ft (14 m),
Avg: 2.7 from 12
FA: Chris Pelczarski, July 13, 2010
S Dakota
> Needles Of Rush…
> Mt Rushmore Nat…
> Chopping Block
> Butcher's Hand
Access Issue: Check NPS for Closures
This route climbs an awesomely aesthetic line direct up the south face on some extremely unique features. It's a real power piece - there are few rests on this short but tough little fella! The real climbing begins on the large pedestal, and any way you get to that point is fine. Staying left of the bolts, climb direct through the huecos and crystals to the summit. This route is short, wild, exposed, aesthetic, and fun!
Do not bail left onto the west face up the easy crystal trough at the 4th bolt - continue direct up the face!
See route description for The Butcher's Hand. Once you have passed under the large chockstone tunnel, directly ahead of you will be the south face of The Butcher's Hand, which when viewed from this angle looks like a needles style spire. The route climbs direct up this face.
Four bolts and an anchor with two chains.
Route can easily be top roped by climbing the Gilson Route.
Rapid City, SD
Custer, SD
Rapid City
Kearney, NE