Sheer Lunacy (Free)
Trad, 800 ft (242 m), 8 pitches, Grade IV,
Avg: 3.7 from 47
FA: FA: Ron Olevsky FFA: Brad Barlage & Doug Heinrich at 5.13b. FFA of the 12c var. Sharp Crack: Drew Bedford
> Southwest Utah
> Zion NP
> Moonlight Buttress
Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures
***** RAIN AND WET ROCK ***** The sandstone in Zion is fragile and is very easily damaged when it is wet. Holds rip off and climbs have been and will continue to be permanently damaged due to climbers not respecting this phenomenon. After a heavy storm the rock will remain wet, sometimes for several days. PLEASE DO NOT CLIMB IN ZION during or after rain. A good rule of thumb is that if the ground near your climb is at all damp (and not powdery dry sand), then do not climb. There are many alternatives (limestone, granite, basalt, and plastic) nearby. Seasonal Raptor Closures
Sheer Lunacy is a great, fairly mellow "big" wall climb in Zion, located just left of the much more popular Moonlight Buttress. It offers enjoyable climbing on every pitch and the cruxes are fairly brief; though it's just as long as its neighbor, it is much less tiring of a day.
P1: Begin as for Moonlight Buttress by climbing a long 5.7/5.8 groove system to a ledge with a tree. Belay here.
P2: Instead of moving right and into Moonlight's 5.10c pitch, head straight up a vegetated, right-facing corner. Actually, head up a flake system on the right wall of the corner and step back left into the corner fairly high up. Be very careful of loose rock here - some sandy, hollow flakes could take out your belay and ruin the afternoon. Once back in the corner follow it with increasing ease up into a chimney system. Trend left to gain a huge ledge system with trees and bushes - this ledge is very obvious from the road. Belay on this ledge. 180', 5.10.
P3: A short pitch continues traversing left and then up a 25' high 5.6 flake past some drilled pins and then moves left around the corner to a single bolt belay in an alcove. The bolt can be backed up with a 0.75 Camalot sized piece or so. 50', 5.6.
P4: The Primo Crack. Some topos indicate 5.12b, but way easier! Chimney up the alcove and undercling out the roof at the top to gain the nice, featured left-facing corner. Make sure to back-clean your gear in the alcove as the crack at the lip could create serious rope snafus! Lieback, jam, and face climb up the corner past a thin section to a belay. 120', 5.11c.
P5: The Second Crack... and almost as hard. Climb up the left-facing corner above the belay with occasional sandy and less-than-obvious gear placements. This section is kinda spicy, but holds and gear do keep coming. Save a bunch of long runners and move left on a ledge to the Shroud of Elvis. I'm not sure how this got it's name because I don't think Elvis is that great and this section of climbing is fucking awesome. Spectacular, exposed 5.9 up a steep flake with good stances and gear. Again, long runners or rope drag hell. Continue left around a corner and belay at a trio of drilled angles. 180', 5.11b PG13.
P6: The Face Crack to the Hidden Crack. Climb up the low-angle crack that splits the face above. A bolt and good gear lead to a small ledge and then a wide crack in a corner. This is the Hidden Crack and holds and gear abound if you look carefully. Belay at the top of Toquerville Tower. 100', 5.9.
P7: The crux pitch. The 5.13 version heads straight up from the top of the tower, but most will probably move the belay down and right to an exposed ledge below a single bolt. Crux number one comes moving up off the ledge and is much more difficult for those with large fingers. Continue up jams and face holds to a bolt. Clip this and foot traverse left along an improbable ledge back to the main crack system. A good stance here precedes the true crux, which, ironically, is much easier for the tall. So there's some difficulty for everybody. A bolt protects a cool lieback move to a providential face hold, then a hand jam, gear, and one more hard move past a bulge and a drilled pin. Catch your breath and continue up the Sharp Crack - a beautiful splitter on the left wall - to a belay on a small ledge. 100', 5.12b.
P8: The Sharper Crack. Continue up a crack and flare to a stretch of sandy rock with an optional lunge for a tree limb which makes for a dramatic top-out. 60', 5.11a.
Descend the Angel's Landing trail.
2 each blue Aliens to #1 Camalot. 1 each #2 and #3 Camalots. 2 sets of wires - especially a set of offsets! One 60m rope. Forget all the beta out there that says RP's, triple TCU's, or wide gear - completely unnecessary.
[Hide Photo] Awesome free route. I recommend the river crossing approach unless it's very high water. Enjoy and have fun.
[Hide Photo] Dennis in the morning light after traversing from Lunar X. Taken from the base of the Primo Crack.
[Hide Photo] Great exposure on the final, sandy pitch
Wasatch Back, UT
Boulder, CO
May 3, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
P2,3,4 - Climb the 10+ pitch of moonlight and belay the ledge. Instead of continuing right to moonlight go up the chimney/flare of Lunar X 5.10 or 10+ to the next ledge and belay. Then you do a much longer traverse left here which is no big deal while free climbing but would be a pain with a haul bag. There are occasional bolts and fixed pins to protect the traverse as well as tree's.
You can either stop this traverse before the section described as P3 above or continue around the corner to the single bolt belay under the roof.
P4 - The Primo Crack - I felt this was about as hard or perhaps harder than the thin laybacking pitch on Cloud Tower which is 11d or 12a. Maybe the holds have been getting bigger due to more traffic but 11c seems pretty sandbagged.
P5 - Second Crack - I don't know how this could be considered a mere letter grade easier then Primo. For me the difference was light and day. 5.11a seemed accurate and perhaps I had too much trust in the small nuts. I thought it was totally safe (no PG-13) and I did not use brass or offsets.
You can also belay at the base of the shroud of Elvis so you don't have such crazy rope drag. This also allows you to enjoy the amazing steep flakes.
P7 Felt pretty full value and this was the only pitch I was unable to onsight. The moves after the traverse were thin and perhaps harder because I am short. 12b/c might be a bit more fair but it could have felt harder due to fatigue.
Thanks for adding the route! Totally fun and a great day of climbing. Most of the belays are two drilled angles which are bomber but not equipped for retreat.
(The alternate crux pitch was also established by Brad Barlage et al) May 12, 2010
Western North America
P1 from the ground to the base of the Primo Crack (we started up Moonlight. This pitch involved some 5.7 simuling)
P2 up the Primo crack to the first set of anchors
P3 to Toquerville tower
P4 to top
Fun route! Apr 20, 2013
Carbondale, CO
The .12c pitch is amazing, & sporty! Climbs more like a technical pitch of sport climbing. Being 5'5", there was only one single spot that felt reachy on this pitch, & even so it was short-lived.
All in all, I think the pitch ratings Bryan Bird assigns in the guidebook are appropriate, except maybe the .11b pitch is more like .12a... Just saying. Have fun on this route! Apr 22, 2013
Carbondale, CO
The crux is sporty and good. Tiny and reachy higher on crux but there's a bolt.
We were casual and and pitched it out and it still only took 5 hrs. Apr 24, 2013
Bend, OR
P1- 8 (to tree)
P2- 10c (to ledge)
P3- 7 (traverse, short)
P4-11+ (primo, great pitch)
P5- 11c (second crack. Mostly 10, with bp crux at "hole")
P6- 9 (way cool flake, linked with 5)
P7- 9R (delicate face to way cool crack)
P8- 12b (mandatory 11)
P9- 11- (super sweet finish) Nov 12, 2013
Golden, CO
A few comments:
- The rack beta mentioned here is spot on. We were happy to have tripples from purple - orange metolius as well as offset nuts. We brought the #4, but can see why others don't.
- Save a #1 camalot for after the traverse on the crux pitch, you'll be happy you did!
- The tree at the top is nothing more than a sawed off stump now, so lunge on! Mar 21, 2016
Boulder, CO
Getting to the Primo crack was no bueno, even with the Lunar X variation Luke mentions above. Not bad, but not great. Primo crack was awesome, and felt about 11+. Good gear the whole way, was psyched to have triples from purple-orange metolius.
Next pitch felt harder to me. Not as sustained, but a hard boulder problem at the cool hueco feature. Definitely easier if you're tall. Good gear is just below your feet for the crux, but the wall does slab out below you...
Linking that pitch into the shroud of Elvis was awesome, but the belay was the suckiest thing that ever sucked. I would NOT recommend this, especially if you're hauling a pack! The belay is around a corner and even if you runner all your gear well you'll still have heinous drag, poor communication with your partner, and your haul line will be out in no-mans land. Break it into two OR make a belay at the top of the shroud of elvis (there is a single drilled piton, which can be backed up) and then just shift the belay left around the corner for the next pitch.
Crux pitch was freaking awesome! Very Red Rock like. Cool boulder problem at the start to 5.11- climbing, and then a v4-v5 boulder problem after the traverse. I'm short (5'7") and had no issue with it.
Highly recommend this route, especially if you're looking for something a bit more technical and not just straight jamming. Oct 16, 2017
Flagstaff AZ
Denver, CO
- I thought the crux pitch was insanely fun. The two cruxes are very different styles, which makes it really interesting, and I'd reckon you'd need to be a true polyglot of movement styles to flash this thing if it's near your limit. +1 for saving a red camalot for after the traverse!
- The leader on Primo crack could experience bad rope pinching if they place/leave two pieces at the start of the pitch. A bomber .4 camalot fits near the roof lip; with only this piece, the rope ran smoothly. This and the pitch above are classic corner climbing.
- In BD sizes, we placed a red X4, triples in .2 - .4 (totem cams fit great in Zion stone), double .5, - 1, single 2, 3, and a rack of offset nuts starting at largest brass or DMM peenut, nothing smaller.
- top-out is classic! Nov 18, 2020
Las Vegas, NV
Probably just a bad experience Nov 23, 2023