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12. Flight Of The Gumbies

5.10b, Sport, 40 ft (12 m), Grade V,  Avg: 2.9 from 21 votes
FA: Equipped by L.P. and P.P.
Michigan > Upper Peninsula > Marquette (and… > Big Bay > AAA Wall
Warning Access Issue: Organized groups need to file with the U.P.C.C. DetailsDrop down


Follow a nice juggy start on a slightly overhanging wall to the small roof crux at the top of the route. Two ways to finish. Watch out your rope dosen't end up in the pond when you pull the rope.


This climb is the farthest right bolted route at AAA.


5 bolts with Anchors

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

John M - fun route. Second bolt is easier to clip with bolt at waste level.
[Hide Photo] John M - fun route. Second bolt is easier to clip with bolt at waste level.
Eric hoping for no flight time.
[Hide Photo] Eric hoping for no flight time.
Eric and Abby playing in the swamp.
[Hide Photo] Eric and Abby playing in the swamp.
Manny dancing up Gumbies.  Photo Credit Bill Thompson
[Hide Photo] Manny dancing up Gumbies. Photo Credit Bill Thompson
Myself pulling the top crux of "Flying Gumbies"
[Hide Photo] Myself pulling the top crux of "Flying Gumbies"
Myself on the rest before the crux of "Flying Gumbies"
[Hide Photo] Myself on the rest before the crux of "Flying Gumbies"
Myself just past the Roof crux of "Flying Gumbies"
[Hide Photo] Myself just past the Roof crux of "Flying Gumbies"