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Morph Out

5.7, Trad, 75 ft (23 m),  Avg: 2.4 from 9 votes
FA: Donette Swain, Todd Swain, April 1994
Nevada > Southern Nevada > Red Rocks > (19) Southern O… > Illusion Crags
Warning Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet. DetailsDrop down


Alcove in distinct left facing corner. Crux is getting up through the alcove by trudging, stemming, chimneying until you can emerge to the corner above. A bit strenuous but great fun.

Rappel from slings with single rope.


Takes cams to protect the initial awkward moves in the alcove. There are slings and rap rings to rap the route.

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On the crux of the route.  A #4 or a #5 protects this move well.
[Hide Photo] On the crux of the route. A #4 or a #5 protects this move well.
Morph-Out route topo
[Hide Photo] Morph-Out route topo

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Andrew Yasso
Las Vegas, NV
[Hide Comment] Once you get out of the stem-box/chimney/awkward fun, you will continue up the crack for about 15 feet. You will then step right around the corner on to the face. The slings are somewhat hidden and out of sight another 15 feet up and to the right.

If you continue straight up this crack you won't reach any rappel tat. Make sure to keep looking right as turn the corner. Jan 11, 2014
David Schwartz
Las Vegas, NV
[Hide Comment] Good gear at the crux and fun moves. There is a bomber #4 and #5 placement but if you don’t have big gear you can get some smaller pieces (BD .4 a little lower). Feb 28, 2024