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Watching in Silence

5.9, Sport, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 3.1 from 33 votes
FA: R. Cowan
Colorado > Gunnison > Hartman Rocks > Rock 'N Roll Wall


This is the bolted line on the left face. It is one of the best 5.9 sport routes at Hartman's. It is uncharacteristically steep and dynamic for the area. The crux can be done many ways, but my favorite was watching a 9 year-old crank off of double heel hooks.


This is the bolted left face.


4 bolts to anchors.

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Kitt on Watching in Silence.
[Hide Photo] Kitt on Watching in Silence.

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Kyle Judson
[Hide Comment] Flowy and fun. Pull jugs side to side. More vertical than a lot of Hartmans routes. Possibly my favorite Hartmans climb. Sep 15, 2011
Nick Schwab
[Hide Comment] The 1st bolt is several pumpy moves up. The start can protect with a red cam or #2 Friend in the crack nicely. There is a hard move above the 2nd bold that commits you to a potential big fall to reach the 3rd bolt. From a good stance, you can lock a medium size nut in the crack over the bulge before committing to the move to the 3rd bolt. This is a hard lead for 5.9. It felt like 5.10. Jul 28, 2024