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Jeremy's Sick Crimps

V4+, Boulder, 5 ft (2 m),  Avg: 1.4 from 14 votes
FA: unknown
New Hampshire > Pawtuckaway > Blair Woods > Scoop Area
Warning Access Issue: Parking Issues: Starting 10/24/20 a reservation will be required to park at Reservation Rd. on all days and for the Backside on the weekends. See DetailsDrop down


A one move wonder. Grab two small crimps. The right one is really thin and a little bit higher up than the left crimp of which is slopey. Grab the holds pull of the ground and shoot for the slopey lip of General Lee. Top out the same for General Lee.


On the same small boulder as General Lee.


One pad

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Christian Prellwitz
Telluride, CO
[Hide Comment] Footage of this problem starts at 1:46-
Are these the correct starting holds? If so, this felt easier than v9 to me... Oct 17, 2012
Ryan Hinrichs
Grand Junction, CO
[Hide Comment] Sent this today using some different foot beta. Not sure what is considered "on" but i used a heel toe cam on the starting hold of general lee. Anybody know what the consensus on this is? Felt way easier. Apr 6, 2013
Noah Doherty
Nashua, NH
[Hide Comment] With the right beta this is v6 at most. You can start with a heel toe cam in the start hold of general lee to make it feel v4 and a foot way out left to make it feel v6. It is super fun though, a wild start to a classic slopey moves. Apr 8, 2013
Christian Prellwitz
Telluride, CO
[Hide Comment] Noah, I think that's a fair assessment. I didn't use a heel toe cam (see the video above) but I did put my feet out right (right foot on, left foot flagged a bit). Even without the heel toe cam, it's probably closer to v5/6 (maybe). You'd have to really be using no technique at all to make this feel v9. :) Apr 8, 2013
Noah Doherty
Nashua, NH
[Hide Comment] I totally agree. I think people used the awkward foot in the hole and attempt to pull on with their weight all behind them. I can imagine it feels v9 that way. Apr 9, 2013
Noah Doherty
Nashua, NH
[Hide Comment] This is the heel toe cam.
Here is the heel toe cam beta.
Oct 26, 2013
Center Harbor, NH
[Hide Comment] The heel-toe came makes it v4, I can see with your feet directly below you how it could feel v9 though. Anybody think an Admin or OP should update the grade? Nov 25, 2013
New Gloucester, ME
[Hide Comment] Something to think about - if you read the original description of this problem in one of the first guides, it's a dyno. If you view it as the left sit start to General Lee and throw in a heel-toe cam, or apply any amount of technique to a problem that never got much thought, it doesn't have to be a dyno, but at that point, are you even climbing the same problem? So we have two start holds and grades of V4, V5/6, and V8/9 all depending on where you put your feet. Is any one of them more "right" than the other? Nov 25, 2013
[Hide Comment] IDK, Bryce. I think I'd call the original method an eliminate if much easier beta is available. Just because the first folks to try it didn't find the beta doesn't mean it's not there. Nov 25, 2013
Center Harbor, NH
[Hide Comment] I agree with Lanky, I have always thought that you should post the most natural version of the climb and mention any eliminates or variations in the description. Nov 25, 2013
New Gloucester, ME
[Hide Comment] In this case, the name and grade always referred to the dyno - which is an eliminate. Maybe the non-eliminate version should get it's own name... Nov 25, 2013
Center Harbor, NH
[Hide Comment] Bryce, I like the idea of listing the heel-toe cam as the natural line, maybe name it General Lee Left or something along those lines. Then leave Jeremy's up with a better description, a historical explanation, and saying that it is an eliminate and point out the specific feet that are supposed to be used to make it v9. Nov 26, 2013
Josh Villeneuve
Granby, CT
[Hide Comment] "V9 WAY" with feet directly below, felt about v7...but I am on the smaller size so... I second, listing the different variations seperately. Mar 19, 2014
Jeremiah Johnson
Contoocook, NH
[Hide Comment] As the eponymous Jeremy, I can say there wasn't much thought put into this one; it was a screwing around in the woods 'think you can pull on these?' type of thing. I used the low foot only and I'm tall, so it was awkward. Apr 16, 2016