Type: Sport
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Page Views: 3,614 total · 20/month
Shared By: 20 kN on Nov 14, 2009
Admins: 20 kN

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Cool climb! This is the route to the right of Fusion. It shares the same first bolt as Fusion. Right off the ground, encounter technical and delicate stemming. Encounter a challenging clip at the second bolt (make sure your belayer is on it), then pull the lower crux right after the second bolt. The lower crux involves thin and delicate smearing and stemming with a fun palming move. Continue on sustained terrain until you reach the roof where you can grab a rest on a jug. Then continue up and over the overhang (upper crux), masterfully finding the hidden crimp right at the top of the overhang, and then continue on easier terrain to the top.

This route is a good project before going for Torpedoed Youth as it is similar but slightly easier.

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