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No Recess
Sport, 45 ft (14 m),
Avg: 2.7 from 11
FA: Wayne "Dr. Thrill" Crill
> Austin Area
> Reimers Ranch
> Sex Canyon
This route is pretty consistent from the time you leave the stalactite in the roof till you reach a jug by the last bolt.
Climb up on some scary tuffa features, some are cracked and hollow sounding. Make a big move to the lip and some bad holds. Work up onto the face with sharp holds and long moves. Take notice of the many rock scars and wonder if something is missing, based on the grade in the guide book (5.12c) it sure seems as if something is gone. Eventually gain a jug to the right of the last bolt. A few more moves on sharp holds takes one to the chain anchors.
Several of the bolts on this route are pretty badly rusted and water was dripping out of one of them, it did not really seem safe.
This route is the furthest left of the middle group, just left of Super Cruiser and Learning to Crawl which both have fixed draws. Climbs through stalactites at the left end of the low overhang to start.
5 bolts and anchors.
Austin, TX
Austin, TX
Fort Worth, Tx