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Way to Dry

5.11, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.7 from 20 votes
FA: John Winsley
Arizona > Southern Arizona > Dry Canyon > 3 - Spine Cave


This is a good one with the moves getting gradually more difficult as you go up. You also get to use a very cool "loaf" hold that looks as if it is an embedded river cobble. Another good one to get on before you work in the Spine Cave.

*History Bonus: This is thought to be the very first route bolted at The Dry.


This is the right most route of the four to the right of the Spine Cave. It shares several holds with the top of Rocket Man as it exits the cave.


6 bolts to quick-lower anchor

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Vince getting through the crux
[Hide Photo] Vince getting through the crux

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Daryl Allan
Sierra Vista, AZ
[Hide Comment] Those skiddish about guano beware. Key holds below roof are covered in it... and that stuff STINKS! Dec 13, 2010
Angel Mangual
Sierra Vista, AZ
[Hide Comment] We cleaned much of the guano this past weekend. It seems there is no bats living in the cave anymore. This climb has some great movement coming out of the roof! It is an Amazing climb! A must do! Jan 20, 2015
Boulder, CO
[Hide Comment] No guano to be seen on this route. I thought the climbing was great fun! Super steep on big holds. Harder to onsight as the holds are hard to spot while climbing through the roof. Also reachy and harder, for sure, if you are short. Feb 1, 2016
Luke Bertelsen
Tucson, AZ
[Hide Comment] Figured I would clear this up somewhat so at least folks know what to expect based on WHEN they are climbing at this wall.

There is an active bat roost on this part of the wall from late spring through to early fall (roughly). Unfortunately you'll have to deal with the guano and accumulation thereof during these times.

As of mid October 2021 there are quite a few bats in the roost. Oct 18, 2021