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Liber Abaci

V9 PG13, Boulder, 20 ft (6 m),  Avg: 3.5 from 2 votes
FA: Peter Dodge
Minnesota > Duluth Area > Little Foxx Canyon > N Little Foxx


Start on a terrible round rail and move up through two more crimpy rounded rails with poor feet. Once the crack is reached climbing gets much easier, follow the crack up and right and top out. Let me know if you send and take pics.


Starts in the middle of the face between Warm Up Crack and Uninspired Arete


1-2 pads

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Liber Abaci first ascent!
[Hide Photo] Liber Abaci first ascent!
Liber Abaci
[Hide Photo] Liber Abaci
Crux on Liber Abaci.
[Hide Photo] Crux on Liber Abaci.
Night work on the project.
[Hide Photo] Night work on the project.
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Direct start project to Craning the Crack Pipe Beta Photo
[Hide Photo] Direct start project to Craning the Crack Pipe Beta Photo

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Peter Dodge
Duluth, MN
[Hide Comment] horrible feet! Apr 1, 2010
Duluth Mn
[Hide Comment] Horrible feet and hands Apr 2, 2010
Peter Dodge
Duluth, MN
[Hide Comment] I got this route last friday. I'll call it 'Liber Abaci,' and call it V9. I climbed more or less straight up the face, so a little to the right of the line in the beta picture. Stand start, horrible feet, and super crazy crimps. I will post some pics asap. Apr 12, 2010
Duluth Mn
[Hide Comment] Great Effort Pete. Changed the info Apr 12, 2010
Garrett Soper
Duluth, Minnesota
[Hide Comment] Nice job Peter. V9 is super impressive. Apr 13, 2010
Duluth Mn
[Hide Comment] This was one of the harder projects in Duluth but I think there are harder one's out there. As for the grade I think peter is right on. Simlar in difficulty as V9s or V10 I have tried at Sawmill. And yes it is cool. The whole area of Little Fox Canyon is very cool. Here are some that may be harder-

Welcome to Duluth Project…
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Spirit wall project… Apr 13, 2010
Peter Dodge
Duluth, MN
[Hide Comment] I'm totally guessing at the grade. it took me a lot of work though. and by a lot, i mean obsessive. i would go out just to climb this some days until my fingers were bleeding, then tape up and go till i couldn't see anymore.

I really like the route... it is super crimpy and super technique related. It's basically the definition of my style, so I don't think others like it as much as me. If you ever want to come up here nic, I will show you some of the hard projects in duluth. Apr 13, 2010